Engage with & educate the local community on regulated cannabis.
Host mixers, monthly educational workshops and provide resources specific for stakeholders and the community.
Continue to advocate for a lower barrier to entry for operators & a less restrictive ordinance.
Continued grassroots support for members (turning out support at hearings/events/BOS/etc.)
Increase outreach and advocacy in Sonoma County's nine incorporated cities.
Support the SRJC Cannabis Apprenticeship Program.
Advocate for and develop an appellation system for cannabis in Sonoma County.
Increase participation from operators across the industry.
Get Sonoma County to recognize cannabis as agriculture in the County's General Plan.
Lower local cannabis tax rates.
Allow for vested cannabis permits that run with the land.
Staff to embark on the development of a full comprehensive environmental impact report that is broad in scope and based on a program that defines cannabis as agriculture at the local, state and federal levels akin to hemp and other field and row crops.
Allow distribution in AG zones.
Allow on-farm light manufacturing.
Develop regulations that allow for Type-7 manufacturing in AG zones.
Allow delivery-only retail.
Allow consumption lounges.
Allow farm stands and direct-to-consumer sales on a property where a cannabis permit has been issued provided that the applicable state licenses have been obtained.
Develop trigger language that will allow issuance of a permit or other authorization for cannabis direct to consumer sales so one can submit a state license application once the state develops regulatory language for their licensure.
Revisit the county’s current cap on dispensaries.
Allow small scale cultivation on appropriate AR + RR parcels over 10 acres.
Reduce the 10 acre minimum parcel size for small-scale operations.
Revisit the canopy cap for indoor cultivation on industrial parcels.
Revisit the outdoor cultivation cap in agricultural zones.
Prioritize and protect legacy operators while encouraging new business activity.
Push for the County to re-establish the Board of Supervisors’ Cannabis Ad Hoc Committee, or a Cannabis Standing Committee, to deal specifically with cannabis-related issues.
Sonoma County to hire or appoint a dedicated Cannabis Program Manager, who would coordinate with the various departments involved and serve as a liaison between the county and the public.
Push for the County to have cannabis-specific planners in Permit Sonoma to review cannabis permit applications. With the fires and other permit issues, the cannabis permits have created a major backlog with some applicants waiting four years now for a determination. Cannabis permit fees sufficiently cover dedicated planning staff, and more permit applications would be filed if the process was more efficient.
Engage with the community to establish a successful Cannabis Equity Program specific to Sonoma County to help local operators who’ve been disproportionately harmed by the war on drugs, from prohibition or overregulation. Enforcement without opportunity is a failed paradigm.
Direct staff to inform and assist existing permit holders with the CEQA process for state licensing.
Work with similarly-aligned organizations to advocate for policy changes.
Encourage industry members to get involved in shaping local cannabis policy.
Our Board and a group of industry members worked diligently to craft improvements and changes to the Sonoma County Cannabis Ordinance.
Successfully advocated for a temporary reduction in local cannabis taxes.
Supported Sonoma County and the incorporated cities to remain aligned with current state legislation and regulations.
Endeavored to improved access to the regulated market for existing operators.
Supported the success of permitted cannabis businesses throughout Sonoma County.
Supported the community at hearings, with calls to action, and advocated at the county level for our industry.
Advocated for the practical establishment of sound rules for hemp production in the county.
Succeeded in getting cannabis added to the annual Sonoma County Crop Report.
Monthly Networking Mixers
CDFW & CA Water Board Cannabis Cultivation Permitting Workshop
Introductions to Securities and Raising Capital
Disruptive Innovation and the Cannabis Industry
Trademarks in the Cannabis Industry
Heavy Metals in Cannabis & Cannabis Products
Prop 65 Compliance Workshop
Packaging and Labeling 101
CCTT System Using Metrc Workshop
Build A Better Business: Canna Compliance Workshop
Member Round Table: Focus on Hemp
COVID-19 Resources for the Cannabis Industry
We are working hard, and depend on our members for support. Please, consider joining SCCAtoday!